Monday, November 8, 2010

Spider Knight

Spiders and I do not get along. I was able to deal when I had young children. I can even deal now. And I don't like them and I want them out of my house. So ~ I have a Spider Knight. When one is too big or in the wrong place or I am barefooted or just feeling vulnerable, Dean comes to the rescue.

This morning I decided it would be good to elevate my leg with some ice in order to start the day well. I did it all by myself: gathered everything needed, brought over the Reach Bar to help adjust the ice pack and blankets, arranged the pillows for my leg and head. Even made it onto the window seat, stretched out, looked up and . . . there it was. Against the light Right Over My Body. And it was BIG. All I could do was exclaim something out loud and reverse all my process and move away.

Dean set his computer aside and said he would get it down. He moved the blankets and pillows, got out the long cleaning pole and swiped. Down it came. Stomp. Into a tissue, into the fire. All was well and I returned to my window seat and icing my leg. Phew. And to all my Friends of the Earth friends, I apologize. If you are here, you may put the spider outside. If it is just me and Dean, the spider disappears.

I am very grateful for my Spider Knight who understands and is willing to ride into the fray on my behalf. ~ blessings

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