Thursday, November 4, 2010

Little Things make for Happiness

It doesn't take much sometimes, does it? Today is a Ta-Dah!! day for me and all because of two little devices.

One is a Sock Pull. Next time you pull on your socks, recognize how your body bends or your legs lift. Just be aware. Now think of every one of those little movements Hurt. Like. Hell. That's the situation I have found myself in -- and the pain has increased so that for the last month, Dean has had to put on my right sock. This morning I put it on By Myself. Yay! :D The Sock Pull was given to me after a wonderful class about hip surgery yesterday. Usually they give it to you after surgery. I think the nurse realized I was probably hurting more Now than I will after surgery so she gave it to me now -- and I have started using it. Yay! :D

The other is a Reach Bar. Simple little bar that has a gripper on one end and a handle that opens and closes the gripper on the other. Yes, you can reach things on upper shelves and pick up things from the floor without bending. And . . . you can also pull on your underwear and slacks without bending!! Ta-Dah!! I feel like a three year old - I dressed myself, Mommy! :D :D

The true blessing in all of this is that it is a temporary situation. Less than a week now before surgery, about 6 weeks afterwards and I can take the little devices and tuck them away on a shelf. :D I am very blessed and feeling good this morning. Will be glad to have it done - and this is already a good step. Happy, happy. ~ with blessings

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