Thursday, March 21, 2019

Back of the Modem

My friend Mary is very creative with the names of yoga moves as she records some of her more spectacular falls around the house. I am not that creative and today I discovered a new exercise for sciatica and back pain. It is called The Back of the Modem.

It includes deep knee bends to sit on the stool to get low enough to reach the Back of the Modem. Then you get up, ignoring the creaks in your knees. Walk down a flight of stairs. Walk back up two flights of stairs. (Repeat several times). Get on your knees, turn modem around and plug in phone cord only to find after this two hour exercise routine that there is still no dial tone on the phone. Getting up from your knees requires a move similar to downward dog. Breathe. Be grateful for the arrival of the phone technician tomorrow afternoon. Pray he has younger knees. Phew.

And then, much to your amazement, discover your legs and back are feeling better!!