Wednesday, May 29, 2013

In Praise of Caregivers

They say we can’t really understand until we walk in someone else’s shoes.  I honestly don’t know how they do it 24/7. Dean took good care of me when I had my hip replaced. I am taking good care of him after he had his gall bladder removed. And . . . we were and are both taking care of basically healthy people who are healing. I was ready for a nap by 8 o’clock this morning. And that was after a really good night’s sleep last night. So good in fact that I missed Dean’s being in pain, getting up and walking and getting a little something to eat. So much for my good caregiver medal! Maybe it was polished a bit more this morning when I figured out which chair would be the most comfortable for him, brought it in from the deck, dried it off and placed it in the living room.  

Anyway - here’s to caregivers, whether by profession or by love. Here’s to their caring, their persistence, their tired legs, their unflagging spirits (or maybe their flagging spirits as the day gets long), their creativity with environments and food. Here’s to caregivers, for all they do and are ~ blessings and appreciation!

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