Monday, November 30, 2009

Through the Valley

My cousin's husband died just before Thanksgiving. He was 94, she is 89. What an amazing life they have had together! When I talked to her this morning, I was reminded again of what the Psalmist helps us affirm: "When I walk through the valley of death, you are with me." I have learned that the optimum word here is "through". We walk "through" the valley -- we do not stop and set up housekeeping.

Depending on the situation, some of us need to take a longer walk or stay a bit longer than others. That's ok. It is not a contest to see who can stay longer or get out first. It is the natural process of grief that we keep moving ~ and most of us do whatever our situation.

At 89 my dear cousin tells me that when this week is over and memorial service done, she must get back to her exercise class because her legs are getting too stiff from sitting so much recently. She is moving through even on sore, stiff legs. Blessings to all who keep moving at whatever is your journey's pace ~

1 comment:

Bobby Dean said...

Life is precious! I am sorry for the loss, and grateful that 94 and 89 years were given to this earth by your wonderful relatives.