Sunday, May 31, 2009

Proud grandmother

What a fun day! Yesterday I had a massage from my amazing massage therapist daughter ~ 
~ watched my granddaughter - age 4 - climb a tree as far as the tree would allow ~ 
~ watched my grandson - age almost 7 ~ play, explore and sit very still in a theatre audience
~ watched my grandson - age 16 ~ give an improvised (in the sense he didn't know he would be doing it) Renaissance fencing lesson to an audience twiddling their thumbs while a cast member's accident was treated. What Grandson didn't know was that his fencing coach was in the audience. Both coach and the Grandmother were Very, Very proud. It was really a neat thing to have happened too - because when we saw the sword fights in the play, we understood a bit more of what went into them. The young woman who was hurt did well too - if we hadn't known the accident happened to her, we would never have known which actor was hurt. I drove home to another amazing Tahoe sunset -- and a gorgeous rainbow. Forgive me for no pictures of those phenomena. I wanted to be home before dark - blessings

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