Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Where's my black shirt?

Been wondering where my black shirt is for a few days. Couldn't find it over the weekend. Wasn't in the laundry Monday. ????

Last night I am Just falling asleep when my eyes pop open with the little adrenalin surge of thought: it is hanging over a tree stump about a third of the way up the trail when it was too warm to wear on Friday morning. I even said "do you think we will remember this is here?" I was very slow that morning. Tessie and I came back way behind Dee who had a conference call. There was a very noisy truck in the woods and Tessie was edgy. I had my mind on other things. And so through Lots of rain, my shirt has hung on the tree stump. Will I remember it is there when we walk this morning? ~ blessings

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