Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Remembering Mamoo

My daughters called their paternal grandmother Mamoo. Mamoo was 4'11" with a lyric soprano voice that was 6 feet and soaring. Although chosen to audition for the Met, she knew that having one leg shorter than the other would keep her from the roles worthy of her voice. So she gave that voice to the church. Papa was a preacher and Mamoo sang in and directed most of the choirs of their ministry. 

I was raised in a rather progressive church with the newest hymnal of our denomination so when I entered Mamoo's family, she taught me to love and appreciate some of the older, more traditional hymns of the American frontier. This morning I was listening to a pod cast of "The News from Lake Wobegon" (Garrison Keillor) and it closed with Garrison having the audience sing two verses of "It is Well With My Soul". I sang along and wept. I wept in the sadness of times gone by. And I wept with the Joy of remembering all the good times of this delightful lady and her magnificent voice. I also wept for the simplicity of faith that can say, no matter what happens, "it is well with my soul". May we never lose the ability to believe that no matter what our faith, religion or spirituality ~ with blessings

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