Friday, May 1, 2009

May Day

May Day celebrations have a long history, back into the dim reaches of history as folks in the northern countries celebrated the first warmth. With the Haymarket riots of 1886 it became associated with the labor movement and remains a Labor Day in many parts of the world. My first thought this morning was: 

It's a misty, moisty morning
and cloudy is the weather.
I chanced to meet an old man
clothed all in leather.
He began to compliment and 
I began to grin:
"How do you do?" and
"How do you do?" and 
"How do you do?" again. 

We don't get a lot of misty, moisty mornings here in the mountains. It is either snowing or clear and sunny. It was fun to wake to a morning that reminds me of that delightful Mother Goose rhyme that I used to sing to my daughters when they were very young. Nice memories and a nice morning ~ blessings

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