Wednesday, April 3, 2013

How Did They Get Here ~ Part 2

 Next stop: Aguereberry Mine. Peter Aguereberry lived and mined there until his death in 1945, making more money it is said by showing tourists around than from gold in the later years. Here I saw for the first time outside a crossword puzzle the word “adit” ~ meaning “mine entrance”.

An Adit

Up from there to Aguereberry Point at 6433 feet from where we could see Mt. Charleston (in NV) at 11,000 ft (the tiny pointy mountain in the far distance), Furnace Creek at -191 ft (the green area in the center of the picture), and the Badwater Salt Flats close to the lowest point in the continental US (the white stretch across the center of the picture). 

One more mine on the side of a hill so far away that the last 50 ft of “road” scared me it was so bumpy, so twisty, so high with the plunge on my side. 

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