Thursday, February 10, 2011

Time and My Use Thereof

How often have I said or thought, "I really don't have time to do that right now."

And yet time is a very interesting concept. I put my tea in the microwave and press two minutes.
In two minutes I can empty the dishwasher without rushing.

I press 30 seconds to reheat something ~ and have time to walk around the counter, open a drawer and take out a spoon, close the drawer and walk back around the counter to await the pinging of the microwave.

I dread spending all that time doing something in the office. So I gear myself up, take a dvd with me, plan on spending the Whole morning ~ and in an hour the job is done and the dvd still has another hour to go.

Very interesting how the actual time and the time in our heads can be Very different.

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