Friday, October 22, 2010

Theatrical Surgery - or Surgery Theatrics

I feel like I have returned to theatre and am working on a production.

Rehearsals include: chiropractic, acupuncture, massage and physical therapy, hypnotherapy and even a haircut. Major crew meeting coming up on Tuesday when everyone who will be present on stage meets with me and we discuss the whole production. I also have a meeting at the theatre where we will make sure all is ready for the upcoming production.

Final dress will be attendance at my women's group who have promised me a group healing.

Opening performance will literally be that and the director will rebuild one quarter of the set in the middle of the performance. As this is a rather unusual occurrence in my experience, I am grateful that the director, although young in my eyes, is very experienced and has done this type of performance many times before. 150 a year he says.

I am ready - well, I will be come November 10. You never want to peak too soon. ~ with blessings

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