Sunday, September 19, 2010

A Woman has to do What a Woman has to do

I have always said, they will never write on my tombstone, "She suffered in silence" - HA!

And last night and today I was certainly living up to that prediction. Every step, every Move Hurt and I was in tears and crying and making noise and in general being totally non-functional. Not Fun!

Dean was wonderful, making breakfast, seeing to me, helping when and where he could.

Finally I decided this was crazy. My body is fine. I will now take the anti-inflammatory pills with a meal to off set the possibility of an ulcer - and at lunch I went back to my regular dosage of the pills that had worked. I will be fine. Certainly more fine than if I had spent the next three weeks screaming in pain, crying and not wanting to move.

The first dose started to work almost immediately. I was also able to take a Sunday afternoon nap - slept really well and woke feeling better than I had since Thursday. With dinner I took another 2 pills. I'm back. Phew!! Of course I still hurt - and hurting and being in pain are two Entirely different things. So for now I am happy again - functioning again - and able to live and even travel between now and surgery. So many blessings for which to be grateful ~ and I am!!


MikeC said...

Yes, do what you need to do and hang in there! You'll have the surgery and be past all this ... even if it's not as soon as you would like.

Tahoe Mom said...

Thanks, Mike!