Sunday, August 15, 2010

This, That and the Other Thing

1) I have a date today with my Sweetie. :) Last night he said he really wanted the two of us to take the boat to West Shore Cafe for lunch. Of course I said yes. Actually, I suggested another place and he said West Shore was classier ~ and I was a classy lady. How can a gal resist? It's nice to have a little romance in your life no matter what your age.

2) Watched John Stossell last night. His program was on all the nit picking little laws that can get us into real trouble, that have been eating away at our freedoms, especially our freedoms to try. Although I am neither young nor an entrepreneur, it scared me. Makes me think I just may stay in bed, except I might get arrested for sloth.

3) On the other hand, I know at least two families who have filed for bankruptcy. Written into our Constitution is the ability to fail, start over and get a second chance at making it. One couple said they raised a glass to this country for that possibility. No debtors' prison, no harsh penalties ~ just folks saying, let's help get you back on track and on your way again.

4) Planning ahead: Dean's son has emailed and asked if we were willing to host "the Whole Gang" next July 4th! This is the old neighborhood gang from his childhood who used to come to Tahoe almost every summer. They haven't done that in a long while and the time seems right. So the calendar is already filling up for Next summer and this one isn't over yet. :D

5) And when did summer get busier than fall? My friend and I are trying to get together for lunch. Last week was Packed for me. This week is Packed for her. Next week is Packed for both of us! Maybe in September????

6) Being made aware of the problems of others heightens your awareness of how fortunate you are. Dean and I are Incredibly blessed. I live in gratitude for that every single day. May you too be in gratitude for the good things in your lives ~ with blessings

1 comment:

Tahoe Mom said...

Yu Han Han Han Han Han Han Hanting said ... After reading your article every time , always pondering for a long time , we should always express Oh

:D Thank you, Yu Han Han ~ I am glad I cause you to ponder. ~ blessings