Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Back to Tai Chi

I Love Tai Chi. The first time I ever did it, years ago, I realized I could move energy in those patterns easier and with more grace than any other way. And then I quit.

I have dabbled a couple of times over the years but never seriously.

Today, I am back! I am tired of hurting so I took my very sore leg and went to a Tai Chi class taught by my acupuncturist, Mark. I hurt so badly there were moves I couldn't do. That didn't seem to bother Mark or anyone else in the class. He just set me to doing something I could do and off I went. When I could join in I did. There were 6 of us and we were all over the map in terms of experience and ability. I still hurt . . . and I feel So Much Better than when I forced myself to go to class earlier this morning.

Plus ~ I have an appointment for x-rays tomorrow so that we can look inside the lumbar, hip and knee and be sure what is going on -- or if not sure, at least get an idea. If there is nothing there that isn't supposed to be, even that tells us something.

Oh - and I have started a little "step" program for myself. Dean had the Perfect board in the shop - big enough for both feet, about 4 inches high. And I am stepping up -- 10 at a time so far. Once my leg lets me do that without pain or at least with very little pain, I graduate to stairs. :) I am on my way.

This has gotten almost silly. I have complained, been stoic, expected things to get better - and now I feel like I am actually doing something about it and things Will get better! Yes! ~ with blessings


Tahoe Mom said...

Indeed life does have its ups and downs - and I do try to be happy - which is one reason why this day was so important. I am getting better!

Grandma Carol said...

I got to wondering the other day what a computer ideogram key board for Chinese must look like!

Tahoe Mom said...

Carol ~ I have no idea. I will have to ask Chen Lu if her computer has one. I know she can access all sorts of things we can't and I have never looked at the keyboard.

wnjd ~ Tai Chi is Great support!