Sunday, August 29, 2010

Things that make for Peace

Some very interesting things make for peace ~ especially this morning.

1) Meditation

2) Quiet ~ whether because the windows are shut or the weather is keeping people indoors or for whatever reason, it is Quiet. No breeze, no traffic sound, even the fridge seems to be extra quiet this morning. And so it penetrates the soul and helps create peace.

3) Researching cortisone to discover it is a naturally produced element in our bodies and is a very good thing with very few side effects to reduces swelling ergo pain in joints. Interesting isn't it, that finding out it is good makes me more at peace about asking for the shot.

4) Sitting in the window seat and just being.

5) Dean's building a fire. It is the 29th of August and Dean is going to build a fire. I am going to find a book - sort of wish I had a new one, and a re-read will be fine - and snuggle down in front of it and again be ~ in the quiet and peace of the house and my soul.

6) Being rooted, grounded and centered.

Peace ~ found in lots of ways all coming together this morning to make for a good day in my soul ~ with blessings and the hope that you too may find peace ~ like a river . . .

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