Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Random Pictures

This week I have pulled my phone/camera from my pocket and taken a bunch of pictures. Here they are just because they were taken. They do sort of reflect my week so far.

View from my walk. No mountains showing. Two strong bands of sun across a steel grey lake.

Oso keeping watch from the hill above the house.

I have a number of fun, special tea pots. I did not have a Christmas one until we went thrift store shopping. Now I do. 

Dean on his way to work - for no reason except I thought he looked very handsome. The jacket even has elbow patches.

Tree in the forest, burned years before I ever arrived in Tahoe.

Tracks - allowing my eyes to see what Oso's nose knows all the time.

This is a baby - so where is mom? Why in this bitter cold is he not snuggled next to her hibernating?
Maybe his nose brought him close to the cold frame and the tomatoes still inside.
Enjoy your winter ~ blessings

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