Sunday, December 1, 2013

Advent 1

Advent, the anglicized version of the Latin adventus meaning coming. Advent is the time in the church year when Christians anticipate both the birth and the second coming of Christ. In the societal, commercial rush of Christmas, Advent has a way of getting lost. Even if you do not adhere to the tradition, it is nice to remember in the middle of the crush that this is a time of expectation and waiting, a time for the heart to focus on what is important. 

I chose to open the Bible to the prophecy from Isaiah 43 “Behold I am doing a new thing.” What hope! Even God is doing a new thing, shaking things up, changing things around. At a time of year when tradition means so much to so many of us, it is interesting that Biblical tradition has it that God is not a traditionalist. God is about to change the world as we know it and it just may be that our waiting and expectation could be preparation for that Divine change in our lives. 


MikeC said...

Of course the lectionary gospel reading for today is pretty stark: "of the day or the hour no one knows..." Still, I am in complete alignment with you about the intent and meaning of Advent. Let's spend some time in preparation and expectation. Christmas will be here soon enough. So thanks for that.

Tahoe Mom said...

Mike, I was raised in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), and I didn't know about the lectionary until I was an adult. Preachers seemed to preach on whatever took their fancy. Ergo - I heard a Lot of sermons on the Prodigal Son. ;) Anyway - I like the Isaiah passage and will meditate on it this week and choose my own again next Sunday. I do like the lectionary, by the way. And when I have been a guest preacher with no fixed theme given me, it has really come in handy! A blessed advent to you and Terry.