Friday, December 6, 2013


I watched the Rockettes 75th Christmas Show on Netflix and noticed a couple of things:

~ After 75 years, the show is just as or even more spectacular as it ever was. 

~ All the dances are precision to the maximum degree and the toy soldiers are amazing. All they do is "walk" in perfectly straight lines, backwards, forwards, in rotation, back and forth and it is the most amazing walking you have ever seen. And then while in a long line, they get shot down by a cannon and they fall back into each others' arms until all 72 of them are lying on top of each other on the floor. At which point they pop up into a sitting position and strike a pose. Incredible. 

~ All dances except the one mentioned end with the traditional high kick. It is still wonderful to watch.

~ Close-ups cause a bit of a problem in an extravaganza. Too close to the faces of the dancers and you see the sweat and just a bit of strain in the smile. One close up of the lovely young dancer playing Clara in the Nutcracker and you could see her thinking. It was just before a pirouette and she was probably counting even though she was smiling. 

~ Because tradition has it that there were three kings who came to the manger, and because (let's be honest) churches usually have to scrounge to have that many in the pageants, we have always thought three. Period. What a delight to have the kings cross the stage each with his own entourage of servants, ladies, and leaders of the real camel and donkey, and all dressed as might befit eastern royalty. If they were as wise as they are portrayed, they probably did bring some help along for the journey. 

~ The special effects were slick, smooth and perfect ~ and the best effect of all was the delight and wonder on the faces of the children in the audience caught on camera shining with pleasure at dancers, flying Santa, dancing bears and the lovely, lovely nativity. That was an effect no stage artist could produce. On the other hand Radio City Music Hall produces it every year by creating a show that delights and amazes. If you have a chance to see it, do so. It will bring out the child in you. 

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