Sunday, December 2, 2012

Happy Anniversary, Us!

Eleven years - we’ve started on our second decade. Yesterday I said, “Tomorrow is our anniversary.” Dean: “It’s been a good run, Sweetie.” Me: “We’re still on the track, right?” Dean: (Big Laugh) “Of course!”

Well, sometimes you just want to be sure. 

I was married 36 1/2 years before my first husband died and very often we would spend our anniversary simple talking about what made us a couple, how we were now, and what our future looked like. Not all anniversaries need big dinners or fancy celebrations. 

Today will be spent in front of the fire, wind and rain lashing the windows until the snow level drops to meet us. We will be grateful for each other, for our new tightly fitted windows and for being safe. Sometime this morning he will make waffles. Later in the day he will grill pork chops and I will prepare whatever we decide goes with them including my homemade apple sauce. We will watch tv and Netflix, read books, write in journals, play with the dog and be with each other. Oh ~ and keep looking for a camper so that our camping times which we both love will become just a little easier to manipulate. Sounds like a good way to start a new decade together.