Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Do We Have to Ask?

I had planned on a blog about my Christmas books but my intentions were over come by one particular event. The question: Where Was God? The answer from the people who seem to be asking the question is that we have taken God out of our schools therefore the children were killed. 

Actually what we did was uphold our constitutional separation of church and state saying that public and government institutions will not promote any particular religion. 

We certainly have a lot of audacity to think we have the power to take God out of anywhere. God, Goddess, Spirit, The Divine, Allah, Yahweh, The Universal Source, whatever name you choose to call your Higher Power is Present, in the moment, in the Now. And on Friday that Being was weeping with the children of earth and welcoming the little ones into Love and Light. 

Being a Christian, I am rather amazed that it is mainly Christians who are asking this question. Our God says, “I Am”. Simple. Clear. In Christian tradition, our God also knows what is like to lose a child to violence. So let’s not politicize the issue. Because it really is a political question, not a spiritual one. God is. And God was there and is there and holds those parents and loved ones in arms of love and caring. If the lights of the Menorah, the Advent wreath, the Solstice, Kwanza have any meaning at all, it is in this very time of pain and tragedy when we need the Light to shine in the darkness which shall not overcome it. ~ blessings as you follow your Light


MikeC said...

Thank you for that.

Tahoe Mom said...

Mike, you are welcome. I've seen some other posts expressing the same thing so maybe we really are out there.