Wednesday, December 12, 2012

We Wish You a - - - What????

Merry Christmas!
Happy Hanukkah!
Merry Kwanza!
Happy Yule!
Blessed be! 
Happy Holidays!

If you care enough about your tradition and my person, even if we have just danced around each other in the grocery aisle, to wish me any one of these, Thank you! I appreciate your blessing and your intent to make me happy. 

Even though I am a life-long Christian, I try to offer a suitable blessing to the person I am addressing. If I have no idea what their tradition might be, I do say Happy Holidays or have a blessed season. The return of the light at the Solstice, the eight miraculous days of light at Hanukkah, the birth of the light of Christ, the light of peace and love of Kwanza have all had their beginnings at this time of the year. We all celebrate the return of the light starting with earliest humans recognizing that one day (December 22nd) had just a little more sunlight than the day before. Why separate ourselves when we have So Much in common in the coming of the Light? 

Offer your blessing. I will offer mine. May we recognize genuine caring in both. ~ Have a blessed, merry, happy season whatever you call it! 

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