Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Best Christmas Pageant Ever

"The Herdmans were absolutely the worst kids in the history of the world." So begins the laugh-until-you-cry story of The Best Christmas Pageant Ever by Barbara Robinson.
Any of us who have ever watched, directed, or been in a church children's Christmas pageant will Love this story. Every thing that happens from the first moment the horrible Herdmans' herd slouch into church because they thought there would be refreshments will resonate with church members. 
You can tell by looking at my picture that this is a well-worn copy. I used to perform the story which is told from the point of view of an 11 year old girl. It is so funny that I really had to be in character to keep from joining in the laughter from the audience. Until of course they began to cry. Then I had to be careful too as my character wasn't crying.
Before I ever posted this, I received a comment on the previous blog asking why I hadn't included the Herdmans in my list of stories. Only because I got started later than I had planned and also wanted to give the pageant its own blog. Just imagine what it would be like if you had never heard the story of Jesus' birth, what would you think? Would you be amazed that there was no room in the inn? If you were a wise man, would you bring ointments and balms or maybe something just a little more practical? The Herdmans' view of the Nativity story opens our eyes and hearts to the story as it just might have happened on that star lit night in Bethlehem. Enjoy the read. 


Anonymous said...

My very favorite!

Tahoe Mom said...

Anonymous, glad you like it too. :)

Tahoe Mom said...

AppsRus, thought you would appreciate this one! Did you ever see me perform this? That was such fun.

AppsRus said...

No, and wish I had!