Monday, April 2, 2012



A state of physical or mental weariness; lack of energy.
weariness - fatigue - languor - tiredness - exhaustion

On Saturday I got up from what was supposed to be a nap but wasn't to discover my left ear was Completely stopped up. My head felt full of cotton wool and I thought I might just tip over to the left, it was so heavy.
Uh-oh, here comes a cold.

A decongestant and a good spray and the ear cleared fairly rapidly. The cold itself hit like a ton of bricks this morning about five.

I'm having my morning cup of tea and reading my book when I come across the word "lassitude". That's it!! That is Exactly how I feel. I knew the word although it is an old one and I haven't heard it used in ordinary conversation in a long time. I had to look it up to give Dean an exact dictionary definition - see above - and the definition fit. That's me this morning. It's good to have word to describe how I'm feeling.

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