Saturday, March 26, 2011

Grammatical Grumblings

"Those ones" or "These ones" ~ I don't understand the need for the extra word. "You may have those." Period. No need to throw in the extra word.

"At" ~ another extra word that is Way overused. "Where's he at?" Never mind the "don't end a sentence with a preposition" rule. What is the purpose? Why not simply, "Where is he?"

And the ever popular but still not correct, "irregardless". "Regardless" is a perfectly good word and may be used without the addition of the extra syllable. So many people use the incorrect form that I understand some dictionaries have added it, if only to say it is colloquial and should not be used. *sigh*

As you can tell, snow has not kept me totally inside. I have been out and about and heard enough to grumble about. ~ signed, the grammatical grumbling grannie ~ :D


Juju Bag Lady said...

AT drives me crazy and is used by so many people. My Mother would call it Murdering the King's English! My principal says it on the radio all the time - Unit 6 where are you AT. Makes me nuts. Anyways is another one. Guess this means we are getting old!

Anonymous said...

I'm with you on all of those!

Tahoe Mom said...

BLJ, I guess it does. A FB friend commented that she views it as the evolution of the language. I can look back 200 years and watch that evolution and appreciate it. In my own time, when I was taught it was wrong, I have a hard time.

Thanks, Mike! I'm sure there will be more to come as I keep hearing them.