Saturday, January 29, 2011

Three Short Stories

1) Boy about 10 and his mom are in the line behind us to get yogurt. When they have theirs, mom says, let's sit over there so we can talk and they go to a corner table where she is able to shelter him from the prying eyes and ears of the rest of us. And he talks to his mom. Seriously and quietly and she listens.

2) Family in same yogurt shop: mom, older sister (I presume) and 11 or 12 year old boy. They get up to leave. Sister has one of those flat footed walking casts/boots on one leg and she is moving slowly and unevenly and she is holding the boy's hand. He holds on without any show of embarrassment or problem. He tightens his grip as they go down a curb and across the street.

3) Young man - 13 or 14 - walks out department store door with his arm on his dad's back. He is still a little short to put it all the way across his shoulder. Later as we drive out of the parking lot, he is crossing in front of us, stops, and with a smile and a dramatic gesture motions us to go on. As I grin and wave thank you, he grins and waves back.

Little instances of grace and kindness noticed and recorded by a doting grandmother ~ blessings

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