Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

One of my favorite bloggers has reflected on gifts rather than resolutions and that started me thinking. What if, instead of making some sort of resolution to change myself (and probably fail), I thought about what gifts I might bring to the world in this clean, crisp new year?

Compassion: the world needs the gift compassion. Too often we judge when compassion would bring us together in a positive helping way. A little compassion might go a long way to calming the rhetoric and cooling the hostility.

Forgiveness: and we have it within our power to give the gift of forgiveness at this very moment. All we have to do is forgive. It really works that way. Forgiveness is so often personal ~ we forgive ourselves or some wrong done specifically to us. We can however also forgive at a distance ~ forgiving the hostile rhetoric mentioned earlier, or the battles, or the Congressional decisions with which we disagree.

Choice: you have the choice, the moment you wake, to decide how you will approach the day. You can decide to be judgmental, angry, intolerant ~ OR, you can make the choice to be compassionate, forgiving and loving of the world in which you live and move and have your being. The choice is yours. Mine.

May the gifts you bring to the world this year be positive and life-giving ~ and who knows, just maybe you will be giving them to yourself as well. Happy New Year! ~ with blessings

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