Friday, January 21, 2011

Random thoughts on Birth and Death

This blog as originally thought of has taken a few turns and so you get it all this morning.

When your last parent dies, no matter what our age or circumstance, there is an "orphan-ish" feel about life. I remember when my father died and I rushed to Texas, the gathered family were all my step-family. Wonderful, loving, caring people. Then my husband came. Wonderful, loving, caring man and "related" to me for almost 30 years. It was not until my daughter arrived that I felt less "alone" -- there was something about hurting that much in a house full of "unrelated" people that made me feel Very alone. I realized later it had to do with that orphan feel. There is something for me about blood kin that is very special.

And my blood kin is about to increase as a post on Facebook this morning tells me that a new cousin, three generations down from me, is about to be born. :D

It happens every day - someone dies, someone is born - and when we hear about it, there is a raising of our awareness of hope and grace. A good friend's mother died early this morning. Baby will be born soon - if not already. They have nothing to do with each other except in my head and heart. And yet that feeling is there: life goes on. Tiny, precious souls come to fill the void left by old and ancient wisdom. Baby is born with more cosmic wisdom than I have gained in a lifetime. I have wisdom to share that adds to the collective store.

The circular stream of birth, life, death continues ~ each one in its turn adding to the amazing blessing of being us in the world.

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