Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Whence Comes This Purple?

~ as the sun rose this morning the sky was awash with color. The lake through the trees reflected pink and orange. The mountains were a deep blue. The sky - ah, the sky. First there was a metallic yellow - not deep, almost so colorless as to defy color description and yellow it had to be. Then the traditional sunrise orange. Then Purple. Purple that has just recently begun to appear in the sunrise. Purple that is rich and deep and no longer grey. My computer screen has a back ground that looks sort of like the sunrise I am describing - and yet the purple on the screen is a purple we all recognize. The purple in the sky is different. How did it get there? Why does it start appearing now? What does it signify if anything? Perhaps it is just that - a new and different shade of purple and I rejoice in having seen it, recognized it and be grateful for it. That in itself is miracle enough. One should perhaps not wonder if more is indicated. And yet . . . and yet, if humans for millennium had not wondered if more were indicated, we would not have come so far nor have so much knowledge nor care so deeply about our way in the world.

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