Monday, January 24, 2011

Another Year Begins

What a Delightful birthday weekend!

Last night we went to dinner at La Fondu and it is always good to eat like that once in a while. I can't really say "once a year" because there are Thanksgiving and Christmas and a few other splurges. However, I thoroughly enjoyed Every bite: cheese fondu appetizer, meat and veggies fondu entree, and chocolate fondu dessert. Everyone else at the table was "good" and didn't have dessert. I was at my birthday dinner, however, and knew I wanted chocolate fondu for dessert. Delicious, decadent and delightful!!

And now my "new year" begins. This morning's PT gym will be more for working off that dinner than for strengthening my hip. :D

When asked the highlight of last year, I of course responded, surgery. And so I begin this year pain free and moving. Suggestions of various kinds are now met with energy instead of ennui ~ and I have realized that is because it won't hurt to participate in that activity.

If I come upstairs without something, I simply turn around and go back down and get it. So simple when you don't hurt.

I have started being interested in cooking again. Haven't Really cooked in Years - and now I am ready to move without pain into the kitchen and create. Who knows what this year will bring?

I am interested in traveling again. For over a year, the idea of walking through an airport or sitting in a car for a number of hours has almost made me sick to think about. Now I am ready to go. Who knows what, where and whom I will see this year?

Even sitting by our morning fire has become more inviting because I can snuggle into the comfy chair without pain and get up without having to think about it too much. Who knows what books will be read and thoughts thought by the fire this winter?

Recently I have needed to help Dean in the office and instead of moaning when asked, I have said OK with energy, because there is no pain getting up and down the stairs to the office. Who knows, I may become a business woman this year! (HA! ~ just a little humor for your morning)

The year is open and wide ~ the path through it is pain free and lovely ~ and I am ready to go.


Anonymous said...

Wow! All I can say is *like*! All the best in his new year!

Tahoe Mom said...

Thanks, Mike! It does have possibilities ~ :D