Saturday, October 13, 2018

Rodin Museum, Philadelphia

I'm in Philadelphia visiting daughter Meredith and son-in-law David. Because I am here, Meredith wanted to get ahead with the articles she needs to write this week. So today, Meredith worked on her articles while David took me to The Rodin Museum and the Art Museum with lunch at a delightful little cafe in between.

I had to restrain myself to keep from photographing every sculpture. 

The Shades ~ a group of three matching bodies representing depression, sadness, death. If you look closely at their feet, they look like they are melting slowly into The Pit. A much smaller version sits on top of the Gates of Hell. 

I thought this was an interesting explanation of the bodies Rodin sculpted. 

Outside the museum is The Burghers of Calais. Edward III of England captured the town of Calais and demanded the execution of the town Burghers to save the rest of the town. This is amazing art. Everyone of the Burghers is facing his execution with a different expression on his face. 

This young man, the youngest of the group, is obviously wondering what has happened and how it came to pass.

This man despairs over his death.

These two men are stoic and facing death as inevitable.

This man is already bending his neck for the executioner.

The good news is that the Burghers were spared because the Queen of Edward III was French and expecting a baby and she feared that the execution would endanger the life of her baby. The love of a mother for her child won over the ravages of war. 


MikeC said...

Say hello to Meredith for me!

Tahoe Mom said...

Done and done!!