Monday, October 1, 2018

Morning Moon

The other morning I posted this picture on FaceBook and commented that for a couple of mornings I had walked under a morning moon. FB friend and former student, Staci, commented that it sounded like the beginning of a poem. "Walking under the morning moon . . ." Now you add a line, she said. And so I did. And so we did. Until we had a gentle little poem that bespeaks my morning walks.

Walking under the morning moon
The air was fresh and cool
No longer night; yet not fully day
I moved into the path of possibilities.

Blissful peace. My soul was calm
The air I breathed was pure
Never had my being felt so clear.
Never had the sky felt so near. 

(by Staci and Susan, September, 2018)


MikeC said...


Tahoe Mom said...

Oh, Mike - you are sweet. It really isn't great poetry and it was fun to do. Just one line leading to another but not knowing what Staci would say next.