Thursday, February 19, 2015

Of Time and Pot Holders

Where does time go? We say that so often. I mentioned to a neighbor something that had changed in the 15 years I have been in Tahoe and she was stunned: “Has it been That Long?” Yes, it has. And it was yesterday. 

I moved into Dean’s house. We cleared the kitchen and kept what we needed. About 3 years later we did the same. We are upgrading the kitchen this year and so I think we are about to do it again. In the meantime, we suddenly needed new pot holders. After all, they were here 15 years ago in the process of being used and have been used every day since. It was time for new ones. 

Pot holders are not easy to find and the hardware store in town has a terrific kitchen section and sure enough, they had what I wanted. The point being ~ where does time go? How had these little pot holders lasted well over 15 years? Some things are just part of our lives and move through time with us, doing their job, almost unnoticed until we suddenly notice and it is time to move on. 

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