Thursday, January 26, 2012

Seasonal Political Rant

I think it may be time for my once-a-presidential-campaign political rant. So here goes - just once.

I am sick and tired of politicians who say they want smaller government which I would like too but want it to be big enough to invade my body and my bedroom.

As the mother of two grown daughters and step-mom to two more and the grandmother of five granddaughters and having grown up in the sexually scary ‘50s, I want abortion to stay legal. If people do not want their daughters to have abortions, then teach them abstinence, safe sex, whatever. But if for Whatever Reason a woman decides she wants or needs an abortion, it should be a legal and safe procedure for her have. Period.

If two people love each other enough to marry, they should be able to do so regardless of the gender of either party. Marriage is hard. Believe me, I know. I have been married to two Wonderful men. And it is still hard. If two people love each other enough to enter into that spiritual, frustrating, delightful and binding contract, they should be able to do so legally amid all the celebration and joy that brings. Period.

OK ~ that’s it. Political rant for this season. There is much more to say and rather than rant on, I will leave it at this. You get the points. If we are going to have smaller government, then let it be Smaller government and one way to do that is to stay out of my body and my bedroom. Thank you.


MikeC said...

Thank you! Well said. And you have much more "standing" to speak on these topics than do I.

Tahoe Mom said...

Mike ~ yours has been the response of several male friends. :) And believe me, we appreciate the support!