Saturday, November 22, 2008

Shades of history

I heard a conservative commentator last night. She was all undone because match making internet sites might be "forced" (her word) to allow gay and lesbian couples access. "Forced." It has dawned on me who she sounds like.

I am old enough to remember comments like these in the 50's, 60's and 70's: "No one is going to force my child to go to school with . . . "  "No one is going to force me to eat at the same restaurant . . . drink at the same water fountain . . . ride next to on the bus . . . attend the same club with . . .!" Pick your place. You get the picture. 

It is interesting that this unrest should happen on the heels of the election of our first African-American President. Well, why not? With Obama's election, Fear lost. The fear of the years of the Civil Rights Movement went away. And fear doesn't like to lose. So ~ another issue bubbles up to tell people they are being "forced". Commentators talk of people being "fearful" - they express their own fear and try to pawn it off on us - Fear is fighting hard for this one. And just like it was left behind in the wake of this election, it will finally be left behind now. The sooner the better of course ~ with blessings 

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