Tuesday, November 11, 2008


A friend who will be staying with us called this morning and said he understood that I was going to be my usual "gracious self". Meaning, I was going to welcome them into the house, share home and food and caring with them. Absolutely. 

Strangely, this call came in the middle of a conversation with D about another friend who was missing something in a transaction D had witnessed. We decided the missing piece was graciousness. Grace if you will. 

Grace is so important. It is that character trait that welcomes, that thanks, that shares. It is So Easy to offer. A smile, a pat on the back, a thank you (even if you have paid for the work done), ~ and it costs us nothing except the moment of our time in which we smile or say the words. What a joy to be able to share something so simple and So Necessary to another's well-being as Grace. All we have to do is be. . . gracefully ~ with tea and blessings

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