Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Last night my women's group had a gratitude circle. We brought items for the altar that were symbolic of those things for which we are thankful. "Profoundly thankful" someone said. We had an opening meditation to ground us in gratitude and breathe it into the world. After we had each shared our altar piece, we took a moment of silence and wrote a note of gratitude to that woman. We had been told before hand to be thinking of each other and what gifts she brings to us. 

The positive, uplifting energy of a circle of people being in gratitude is amazing. The whole evening was one of Light and Love and Grace as we shared from our hearts. This morning (or sometime) we have each read the notes from our sisters and felt again the gratitude not only flowing from our hearts to the world but also to us from those we love and cherish. May you be aware of your gratitude circle this Thanksgiving however widespread it is ~ blessings

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