Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Middle of the night thoughts

I like sleep. Sleep is good. And I don't think I need as much of it as I did. Except of course last night I slept and slept and slept and it was wonderful. And tonight I am awake in the middle of the night ~ really awake. Writing in my blog - thinking - and even when my head is calm, I am awake. Guess I will pull another mystery from the shelf or do another crossword and drift . . .

We have a dog with heart problems and I have finally come to realize he has good days and bad days and for now the good days Far outnumber the bad ones. So - I have settled into his medical routine and am grateful for all the good ones. 

Looking forward to having grandkids around for Halloween. Am planning some fun decorations and cooking activities. Will have the camera handy of course. 

Maybe a cup of herbal tea to soothe and settle the soul ~ with blessings

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