Wednesday, December 21, 2016

I Understood

There is a lot of talk again about whether to say Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays or whatever. Frankly I don't care. If you wish me your holiday blessing, I will gladly accept it.

Today we went to our favorite Mexican restaurant for lunch. We are still working on the kitchen and it was nice to take a break and go out. We are well known at this restaurant and Maria knows what we usually order and that's all we have to say in answer to her question: The usual. Yes.

I realized today would be the last time we would be there before Christmas and so as we leaving I said, "Maria, Feliz Navidad". She looked at me, smiled and said something back - in Spanish - which I did not understand at all. But all I didn't understand were the actual words. Her meaning and blessing I understood perfectly. They showed in the smile in her eyes and the smile on her face. I left feeling blessed. That's what the greetings we offer each other at this time of year are for: blessings for our lives whether or not we understand all the meanings behind the word. ~ blessings, my friends

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