Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Amazing Opposable Thumb

I had another one of those cramps in my right thumb this morning which ice and then wet heat helped relieve. I am trying to be careful. And - for a little while it takes away the use of my opposable thumb. So? It’s just a thumb. Wrong! I am not sure we truly appreciate how amazing that small piece of our body is and why it sets us apart from so many other creatures. It was like my entire arm was out of commission. Let’s see: lift dishes from the dish washer ~ nope. Close dish washer door gently ~ nope. Pick up cup of tea ~ nope. Hold book in one hand, tea in the other ~ nope. Pull blanket over lap ~ nope. Move built in curser around on computer ~ nope. Open can of dog food ~ nope.

Now all these things were accomplished of course. Quickly I adjusted doing some things with other fingers, with my left hand, and pushing the dishwasher door closed with my hip. Ice followed by wet heat loosened it enough that I was able to open the can of dog food when the time came. Otherwise that would have been accomplished by calling on Dean. Slowly it is loosening. It has happened before and I know it won’t last long even though it is painful while it does. And debilitating. That’s the thing that is so frustrating. In an instant of time, I am made to Think about the most ordinary of functions.

The Psalmist knew of what he wrote when he said we are “wonderfully and awesomely made” (139). Among the most wonderful and awesome is our incredible opposable thumb.

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