Monday, July 11, 2011

Today's Random Thoughts

I am So Grateful I decided to stay with my PT gym!! Too many machines, too many hard bodies ~ and I had to decide if I could my shuttle pushes from a sitting position.

All Borders in SF are closed. I found (with some help) Alexander’s. Good choice - and could probably have bought all the books on line and read them on my computer. Passed a lovely little bakery with lunch sandwiches and salads so returned there to eat and read.

San Franciscans wear scarves the year round like Bostonians.

There is a big city walk that kicks in from cellular memory no matter how long it has been since you were in one.

I have discovered a “faces” page on my updated iPhoto and so have been naming family photos. Ever so often a picture will come up and it will ask “Is this so and so?” The family resemblances are very interesting. Carly and Carter were often mistaken for the other. Dean was asked about or not identified over and over and twice it asked if Dave Pierce were Dean. Trinity is the enigma because her hair cut has changed so often -- and none of Joshua’s theatre head shots were identified as him - as it should be I guess as he was in character in most of them. Amanda was mixed up with Kaitlyn a couple of times. Very interesting.

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