Sunday, July 4, 2010

Independence Day

Here's to John, Ben and Tom ~ three amazing men for an amazing time. No colony in the history of the world had ever split from the mother country and with their help and their words, it happened.

This is the first July 4th celebration for our Chinese daughter-in-law to be and I suggested she might watch 1776, read the Declaration of Independence and have some discussion about the beginnings. We do get so caught up in watching parades and fireworks, having picnics and parties, that we sometimes forget to look back. Even when we conscientiously celebrate today's military - or our veterans - we forget to go further back and remember those amazing men who molded, formed and struggled over the words that set forth the proposition that set us on the road to being a free country. And "John, remember the ladies." (Abigail Adams).

While they set down the reasons, General George Washington was in the field fighting the battles against all odds to support those words and bring them into reality. It was an incredible time, not just in the history of the this country but also in the history of the world. They literally made history. So in the midst of all the flags and parades, picnics and parties, we might take a moment and read the Declaration again ~ it is a very short document. Reading it won't take much time out of your day. Reading it just may remind you of why you are partying in the first place.

Have a wonderful, delightful, fun and thought-full Independence Day! ~ blessings

1 comment:

Tahoe Mom said...

Jason ~ I try to. We raised a glass to the three men at our bar-b-cue and even had some historical discussion.