Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Following the Mountain Man

I named Dee my Mountain Man when we were still dating. We were walking along a nice trail when he says, "let's go this way." And off we went, into the woods and meadows until we found another trail. I thought I might be falling in love and realized that love includes trust and so I would trust that we would find that trail. And we did. 

This morning there are signs on our usual morning walk trail: "Forestry Operations: Do Not Enter". Oops - we had waved at the forestry guy yesterday and this morning the signs were up. Stay out. Ignoring them on the way out, on the way back, the Mountain Man suggests we take an alternative route in order to be in compliance. And off we went: down into the woods, across the fallen tree trunks, over the rocks, down the dry gully, through the bushes, back up the hill ~ and all the time Tessie and I following and trusting. Sure enough he points: that clearing is our trail. I can't even See the clearing, much less distinguish there is a trail. And there is it - with familiar landmarks and clearing. Our trail - not far from the house. We are home and in compliance having made our way around the signs. Even the morning walk can turn into an adventure! ~ blessings

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