Sunday, June 28, 2009

Arguing for Limitations

Have you ever had a discussion with someone who will Not open to any possibilities you present? Have you ever been in a discussion when you were So Sure of your own way that you were not open to any possibilities presented to you? 

We really do have a way of arguing for our limitations. "I have tried it and it didn't work." "All my research shows otherwise." "I'm worried I won't . . . (so worried that I won't even consider another way)." And on and on. We've all done it. 

Allowing ourselves to be open to a different perspective, another possibility, is so freeing. We may be right -- the other way may not work. And we will never know unless we try or look or research or ask the right people. Let's not waste valuable, creative time arguing for our limitations. Let's soar. ~ blessings

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