Sunday, January 18, 2009

Moving On

I'm still missing Cowboy ~ and here are some other things that are going on in my life. 

Two fun grandsons stayed with us this weekend and we had Such a Good Time! We talked and read and hiked. They sat in the hot tub, ate popcorn and built shelves in the shop with Grandpa. We had a lovely time. 

I cried when I watched President and Vice-President Elect lay a wreath and listen to Taps at the Tomb of the Unknown. 

I am loving all the inauguration "stuff" ~ and very excited about the historical step our country is taking. Joyful time. 

I am praying for Obama come Wednesday morning when he will be plunged into the economic, military, intelligence, educational mess this country is in. God bless him.

1 comment:

MikeC said...

Yes, Obama needs all of our prayers.