Friday, April 27, 2018

Wedding Technology

We have not been invited to a wedding in a long time so I am learning that technology evolves in every area of our lives.

1) The on line wedding site: now I have seen these before. What was new to me was that one month to the day from the wedding, I received an email from the site, reminding me of the upcoming wedding, asking if I had made my plans and just making sure that as a guest who had said yes, I was ready. I thought it was nice. And I did check back in with the site just to make sure nothing had changed.

2) The on line registry: I have used these for the last several weddings over the years. What was different this time was that Target (at least), once I had ordered, had a "gift now" button to click. I had no idea what it meant and I wanted to send the gift now and not wait so I clicked on it. Very interesting. When I clicked on that button, they sent the bride an email with the picture of a package. When she clicked on the package, our gift and gift card popped up. She was then allowed to make sure her shipping address was correct and Target sent the gift. It takes the excitement out of opening a beautifully wrapped package and at the same time allows the giver to know the couple knows about the gift. The bride sent me an immediate thank you - she may write to me as well, I have no idea - and we had a very nice email conversation about the gift and her wedding plans. I sort of like this.

and 3), apropos of absolutely Nothing having to do with weddings, but immediately on my mind: I wish that our refrigerator ice maker made ice with round edges. Once again I have stabbed my finger on a sharp edge and gotten blood on the ice. Sigh.

~ blessings my friends whatever your random thoughts


MikeC said...

1) and 2) I am way out of touch with respect to wedding technology.

3) They don’t make refrigerators like they used to. The ice dispenser on our fridge, less than three years old and replaced once already, is a real pain in the...

Tahoe Mom said...

heheheh - well, I was obviously out of touch with wedding technology too until a wedding came up. Given this is our next to oldest grand, I have a feeling we are in for a string of them now even if there are years in between.