Saturday, April 14, 2018

Random Saturday Thoughts

  1. Are we at war? Opinions seem to vary. I hope not ~ and I am following friends’ advice as well as my own and praying and preparing to vote as soon as I possibly can. 
  2. Watching the whole Harry Potter series. Last night I watched Part 6 ~ and afterward just kept sitting and watching other stuff. After watching a HP film (a little over 2 hours), you get up and move around immediately. Other - wise you wake very stiff the next morning! 
  3. Therefore it was good to walk it out with Dean and Oso in the woods.
  4.   Last night my blogger friend Mike’s music was Pete Seeger singing “Inch By Inch. David sang it often of course. And last night I thought about human generations - fathers who planted their seeds, mothers who gave birth, communities who offered the sun and rain of bringing a generation to fruition for it to start all over again. It was a lovely thought.
  5. I’ve lived here 17 years. I still get breathless coming up the three flights of stairs. Sigh. 

1 comment:

MikeC said...

# 4 - that song can be read on so many levels. I first heard it on a PBS program in the 1980’s in which Pete shared his appreciation of his beloved Hudson River Valley. So glad the video elicited those thoughts.