Sunday, January 22, 2017

What a Day!!!

I am So Proud of the women of the world! As close to home as my next-door neighbor and my daughter and granddaughter to as far away as London, literally millions of women and men marched in support of human rights. The pictures came into FaceBook first from Washington where I knew several people, and then from Boston, Atlanta, Seattle, Kings Beach and finally last night on my email, Ashland Oregon.

In Michelle’s words, “I had honestly expected that in our little town this ‘March’ would be a strolling gesture of a few dozen people.” But here they were, arriving at the Library in force. 

Once they had marched and Michelle and Trinity were ready to return home, there were still people making their way to the park. One of the signs she told about was one of my favorites. A man held a sign that said, “I’m with her.” Many arrows pointed all over the place so that it was clear he was with all women who marched and sang and raised their voices.

Granddaughter Trinity and her friend were handed a sign someone else had made and they carried it proudly for the whole march. 

Thank you, my sisters and brothers!! What a day for women, what a day for humanity, what a day for the world!!

1 comment:

Tahoe Mom said...

Thank you!! Mostly it's about 13 wonderful grandchildren so I'm glad you have found some information helpful.