Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Being "Un-American"

In an article published Monday, House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Majority Leader Steny Hoyer wrote: "Drowning out opposing views is simply un-American." Hmm - ok, the first thing I heard reported was that they had said the "protests" were un-American. There is nothing More American than protests ~ from the original Tea Party, to a chaining your own body to the White House fence while pleading for the vote, to crossing a bridge to Selma to free a still in bondage race, to walking out of classes so your class mates didn't have to walk into Vietnam. The people have power and one way we express it is to protest when we don't like what our government is doing.

"Drowning out opposing views . . ." is something else again and I still don't think it is un-American. It is Just Plain Rude!!! I have written here several times about civil discourse. Time to have some. And to have it, the upset, protesting, angry side needs to know that They Will Be Heard by the stand at the lectern with the power of the government behind them side.

We Must Listen to each other. And we must listen with the openness to actually change our minds if the other side makes sense. Are you listening, Government??? ~ blessings

1 comment:

WNelWeb said...

Amen! It is our right and duty to speak and be heard when we want to be heard!