Wednesday, April 1, 2009

"The #1 Ladies' Detective Agency"

I have mentioned my enjoyment of the re-read. This week I have allowed the HBO series of The #1 Ladies' Detective Agency" by Alexander McCall Smith to draw me back to the series. 

The HBO series is Wonderful. Filmed in Botswana, it has the visual feel of the land and the people that Smith evokes so beautifully in his books. The actors are a delightful ensemble. They even have a look that allows you to picture them when you are reading the stories again. 

The books are amazing. Smith has such a feel for women, how we think, how we are, how we relate to men and to others that I was three books into the series before I saw his picture, actually focused on his name, and realized he was male and not female (having thought "Alexandra" had written this wonderful story). 

I highly recommend this read and this see. Enjoy ~ blessings


Grandma Carol said...

I always have enjoyed his books also. Unfortunately we don't get HBO. The series sounds wonderful!

Tahoe Mom said...

GC ~ I am sure the dvds will eventually come out and we can all enjoy the series again or for the first time! Welcome to the blog! ~ blessings